Doctors Prescribe Outdoor Activities Encouraging the Great Outdoors Month!

The President, in a battle to fight childhood obesity and the declining use of national parks and rivers named that June will be the Great Outdoors Month. As a result of the recent outdoors movement doctors across the United States are prescribing outdoor activities to help Americans reconnect with the outdoors and to reduce child obesity rates. This surge in outdoor activities like camping, hiking, backpacking, and canoeing not only causes an increase in the number of Americans using parks but it also is helping to make people healthier. Many of the doctors that are encouraging the use of outdoor medication are doing so because they have realized that it has benefits even beyond getting people to exercise.

The doctor’s prescriptions are not just recommendations to go outdoors. Some doctors are including maps and lists of activities that patients can do when they go to parks. By providing lists of activities doctors are hoping to help people that don’t regularly use parks and thus might not know what to do once they get there. One thing that I also enjoy is that some health providers are on board with the doctor’s prescription and they are reimbursing patients for park entrance fees. When these health providers pay for park fees it makes parks more accessible to a wider range of people. Not only does the increase in activity help keep health care cost down for the provider and patients but it also truly has a benefit to a large amount of people.

I personally love this program and wish that I could get a doctors note to go fishing or hiking! The outdoors is our most precious resource and it saddens me that only a handful of people actually use it. By encouraging more and more people to use the outdoors we can provide better resources because revenues will increase and we can take better care of our aging park system. The program is helping to encourage kids to get out and play. Although video games and the internet are great sources of entertainment many people have taken their use too far. Some kids don’t even know about the outdoors and they aren’t aware of all the activities that they can do outside because they haven’t been exposed to them before. I blame parents for not showing their kids the outdoors. As a parent you are responsible for your child’s well being and if you just plop them in front of a computer or video game their lack knowledge about the outdoors causes great damage to the kids and future kids to come.

I think that everybody should spend at least one day a week

Kids and Teens Benefit to Outdoor Activities

Kids and teens are the age group wherein they easily get bored. They want adventures and activities that are more fun, exciting and interesting. Nowadays, most children prefer outdoor activities in school such as playing soccer and cheer dance than staying inside the classroom doing the writing, reading and solving math problems. They love to run and play outdoor games either individually or by team. Kids and teens today like to stay at home more often than going to the school. Children are very energetic when it comes to physical activities. They don’t get tired so easily. Therefore, kids and teens are fitted to do the outdoor activity which is beneficial for them. It will not only bring fun to these children but can also improve their sociability to other family members and friends. Parents should encourage their children to participate in an outdoor activity to gain various benefits. Listed below are the following benefits of letting your kids join to several outdoor activities.

Firstly, the physical benefits of outdoor activities that will give you. Since children are energetic, they can endure every move that is required for a specific activity. If this activity entails lots of running, then kids and teens are the most appropriate age group that can do it. For example, playing basketball, it is a fun and exciting sport game for male teens as well as to male kids. You can’t finish the game without sweating and stretching all your muscles. Through this, you are already giving your body a good exercise. As we all know, exercise is recommended for us by doctors to remain healthy and active that promotes good circulation and oxygenation to our body. If your child is bit younger like 5 years old, outdoor activity will help him develop good sensory and motor skills. It will help them develop a stronger muscles and bones. They will not only enjoy the activity but they could also bring the best physical condition to their bodies.

Secondly, outdoor activity is helpful to the development of mental capacity of kids and teens. Learning is also possible outside the classroom. It doesn’t only occur inside the house or at the classroom. There are so many things to explore outside the house too. It is good for kids to let them experience the beauty of the nature. Kids often ask what those things are because they are curious about it. Therefore, if they are brought outside wherein more things can be seen, they will ask more which will surely contribute to their learning. For teens, outdoor activity will save them from boredom. As we all know, a brain that is stagnant due to boredom will not bring any development to the brain. So keep your teens’ brain active. Get them involved to activities that will enhance their cognition. Do not restrict or limit their activities inside the house because there are so many things to learn outside too.

Finally, kids and teens sense of camaraderie will develop. It is a benefit that will always be present in outdoor activities. You cannot enjoy playing outside alone. It is best to play in pairs or in groups. Of course, if you have team members, there is cooperation, communication and socialization within the team just like in basketball, baseball, and many more.

Children Of All Ages Benefit From Outdoor Activities

There’s something about being outdoors that adds a spark to a child. Regardless of the weather, most children can’t wait to get outside to play. There’s so much to explore and do, the heat, the rain, the snow, even cold winds don’t seem to slow them down.

Children seem to spend more energy when they are outdoors. We usually attribute them being worn out to “all the fresh air”. Regardless of what the cause actually is, you can see it even in babies; they tend to sleep better after a walk around the block or some time play time sitting under a tree.

Children are naturally active and curious. Being outdoors allows many opportunities to satisfy both of these at the same time. They create games that allow them to run and jump or climb. They play louder and faster. Playing outside strengthens their muscles, their imaginations and their lungs.

It doesn’t seem to matter which toys they have or don’t have, the outdoors has a whole new set of rules as far as play goes. A child that is bored and troublesome indoors may be actively engaged with a group and well behaved outdoors.

In your own backyard, there are many opportunities to stimulate your child’s imagination. There’s a whole world to explore from blowing the seeds from a “dandelion puff” to bugs and birds and squirrels. There are trees and flowers, dirt and maybe even some sand. Falling leaves or falling snow; both will provide more than one afternoon of play.

It’s hard to imagine that the feel of the grass on their feet for the first time is a brand new and upsetting experience for most children. They are usually introduced to the grass at a very early age. It is stiff and sharp, and painful. Even cutting the grass higher doesn’t do much for their delicate skin. Be sure to provide a mat or playpen for very young children to help them enjoy being outdoors.

Many older children participate in after school activities, including sports. These organized activities may keep them active during the school year, but many of the same children are lost without them. They are unsure of what to do with themselves once the season or the school year ends.

While these activities are excellent for children, they must also be pushed to go outside for some unstructured time. This will not only help keep their imagination growing, but will also help to keep them active outside of the structured settings of school. They will be more “in touch” with any neighborhood children and make new friends that share their interests.

Having someone to do things with is just as important to older children as to the very young. If they have kept their friendships with children in the neighborhood, they are much more likely to enjoy spending time on outdoor activities.

Regardless of your child’s age, it is important for them to get outside. Whether they enjoy relaxing by the pool or playing sports, they benefit from being outdoors.

Backyards are fun, but they are even better when explored with friends. Whether you setup a play date with your toddler or allow your teenager to invite friends over, planning for a shared experience is an easy way to keep your child wanting to go outdoors.

Another alternative is family activities in your backyard. Backyard campouts and barbeques are a great outdoor experience and an excellent way to spend quality time together. Letting your child help with the planning and preparation of family activities will help make your outdoor activities a fun and educational experience for your child as they grow.

Belinda Nelson is a free lance copywriter who enjoys writing on a variety of sub

Outdoor Activities For the Family

Spending time outdoors enjoying family activities with your children is one of the best ways to pass a day. There are fun family outdoor activities that you can take part in year round. Doing things with your children in this way offers unique opportunities to communicate and reconnect while also having fun.

Planning fun family outdoor activities takes a little preparation. It’s best to talk with your family and find out which activities they would enjoy, then plan outings accordingly. Medical conditions have to be a consideration also. A child with allergies probably won’t enjoy a walk in the woods as much as the rest of the family. You have to take everything into account so the whole family enjoys the activity.

There are quite a few outdoor activities to choose from. Here are some you might want to consider:

o Boating: If you do have a family member with allergies, you might consider boating as an outdoor family activity. With boating you don’t have tree and flower allergens to deal with.

o Hiking: Going for a hike is a great outdoor activity for the whole family. You can take traditional hikes in the woods of your local state parks, go to military parks and use the hike as an educational tool, or even go to botanical gardens and caves for day hikes. Hiking is an activity that you can partake in most any time of the year if your state doesn’t have bad winters. Just make sure you and your children have the appropriate clothing and gear.

o Swimming: A day spent swimming at the lake is probably the ultimate fun family outdoor activity. Children love splashing around in the water, and going to the lake is usually a fairly inexpensive activity which is good for your wallet.

o Fishing: Get the kids and the fishing gear together and head out to catch the big one. Fishing is a sport that everyone can enjoy. They even have pink fishing poles for little girls these days to make them more interested in the activity. Fishing offers great opportunities for reconnecting for the whole family. Sitting on the creek bank, or in the boat, waiting for the fish to bite, is the perfect time to ask about each other’s day.

o Skiing: During the winter months the family can go skiing together. Everyone can start out on the bunny slopes together while they learn the ropes. Being on top of the mountain and looking out at the vast horizon and beauty surrounding you is one of the best feelings in the world.

Those are just a few ideas to get you started. There are numerous outdoor activities that families can enjoy. Being together is the most important thing. Spending time doing fun family outdoor activities will improve relationships, develop bonds that last a lifetime, and keep everyone active. Make outdoor family activities a part of your life.

Gary Pearson is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

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